Your incoming guests are required to pay for their stay and other services. Now you can offer your guest online payments via MyStay during check-in or check-out.
To be able to use this feature, please go to MyAdmin, section Settings - Payment and request an upgrade.
First, click on ,,Connect Stripe", create an account at Stripe and connect it to MyStay. Don't forget to select a time when you want to be requesting these payments if it's going to be only during online check-in or also during online check-out.
Save all changes, and the setting of the online payment is done.
Then in the Reservations section, upload the reservations including the price or open one of your reservation details and edit it by adding the price which will be requested during online check-in.
For payment during check-out, go to the reservation details and add the price, then click on ,,Add check-out payment".
Online payment during check-in from the guest's view ↓
If the guest decides to skip payment at that moment, they still can proceed with that payment later on via a clickable button ,,Proceed with the payment''.
Thanks to online payment, it’s possible for the guest to do an express check out ↓ ↓ ↓
When the guest completes payment, you receive an email notification and it also appears on the Dashboard.
In the reservation detail, the status of the payment automatically changes. In case the payment is made outside of MyStay, you can set up manually.