In the Dashboard, you can see all current orders and check-in cards. If you click on one of these items in Dashboard, it takes you directly to the detail of the order/check-in card.
In Interactions - Orders, you can find all orders with detail informations such as reservation date, guest notes, date of creation, etc.
In detail of each order, you can also change the status. Please note that the guest will be notified whenever the status will be changed. Keep all orders in the status which they end it up and delete only orders which are doubled!
Received check-in cards are processed in Reservations. The process of the check-in card depends on your hotel's internal regulations, so here is an example: Open the guest's detail, rewrite the given information to your hotel system (Hores, Opera, etc.). Download the registration card which you can save or print. In your property management system, you can add a note/color to indicate that this guest has completed the registration card.
To have an overview of which registration cards you have processed, you can mark them with a checkmark or click on Set as processed to PMS.
If you download the registration cards from the main section Reservations, these reservations will be automatically marked as processed.
If you have any requests or recommendations that would make your work with MyAdmin easier, contact us anytime.